Thursday 21 December 2006



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Created by FFandMMfan
TH1: Introduction
TH2: Basic Controls
TH3: Acquiring and Evolving Train
TH4: Help/Support Koma
TH5: Battle Koma and Attack Damage
TH6: Fighting with Train
TH7: Fighting Against Train
TH8: Supporting Train
TH9: Credits, Version Info and Legal Stuff
TH1: Introduction
Hello, and welcome to my FAQ for Train Heartnet for the Nintendo DS fighting
game Jump Ultimate Stars. If you're here, you probably want to improve your
tactics with Train, and I'll help you do just that. Train is unlike most
other characters, in the sense that his close range fighting skills are
very poor. For a majority of the time that you use him, you'll be keeping
your distance from the opponents, while dealing continuous gunfire to them.

For a brief history on Train, he is from the manga Black Cat. In the manga,
Train is considered to be the greatest gunman alive, and clearly has the
skills to back up that claim. Sadly, some of his more amazing tactics, such
as exploding bullets, tranquilizing bullets and being able to shoot his own
bullets down another foe's gun barrel are not present in Jump Ultimate Stars.

However, Train is still a great character - provided you know how to use him.
If you simply go in, guns-a-blazin', you will probably get slaughtered. In
this sense, he is one of the most interesting characters to use, because
running up to the enemy and mashing B or Y will not help you win, and only
help you die faster.

So, if you want to learn how to properly use Train, and fill your enemies
with lead, then read on!

TH2: Basic Controls
First off, I'll explain what the buttons do. Since the game is in Japanese,
the manual and tutorials will mean nothing to importers, so I'll list the
basic rundown first.

B - Weak attack
Y - Strong attack
X - Special Attack A
X + Up - Special Attack B
A - Jump
A, A - Double Jump
A, A, A - Triple Jump (with appropriate Help Koma attached)
Down - Defend
Down + A - Drop below a platform
Down, Down - Fall faster
Double tap Left or Right - Dash
B/Y + Left/Right - Side Attack (Or in Train's Case, gunfire)
Y + Up - Upwards Attack
B + Up - Ground/Second Upwards attack
B/Y in the air - Aerial Attack
Y + Down - Guard Break
B + Down - Forced Change Attack (Changes the opponent's battle character)
L and R - Character Hotkeys
Select - Ultimate Action

Actual damage output for Train's attacks against each type of nature will be
covered in the Battle Character section.

TH3: Acquiring and Evolving Train
Before you can use a character in Jump Ultimate Stars, you need to obtain
their Koma (manga panel) in the main game, and evolve it using gems which
are also obtained in the main game (as well as other modes).

Obtaining Train
Train is obtained in Mission 1 of BLACK CAT. The Black Cat world is in the
J-Space section, in the center set of worlds (which also includes One Piece
and Hunter x Hunter) and is the right world in that set (not to mention
being written as "BLACK CAT" in English).

To complete the mission, you must collect more Stars than your opponent
before time runs out. If you do that, you'll have unlocked Train and he'll
be waiting for you in the Evolution menu. For the record, it's the first
stage within that mission, so if you see a completion icon next to the first
one, then you have Train.

Evolving Train
As with most characters, Train begins as a Help Koma, and you must spend
gems to evolve him. Here is a map of Train's Evolution chart.

H = Help Koma
S2/3 = Support Koma (with the number of spaces it takes)
B4/5P/5K = Battle Koma (4 Koma of Power Nature, 5 Koma of Power Nature, and
5 Koma of Knowledge nature)


And here's a list of how many gems of each type you need to acquire each
of Train's Koma.

Help: Default, no gems needed.
Support Koma 2: Red = 30, Green = 20, White = 5
Support Koma 3: Red = 80, Green = 20, White = 10
Battle Koma 4: Red = 100, Green = 100, White = 15
Battle Koma 5 Power: Red = 100, Green = 300, White = 20
Battle Koma 5 Knowledge: Red = 300, Yellow = 100, Blue = 50

Total Cost to Fully Evolve Train:
Red = 610
Green = 440
White = 50
Yellow = 100
Blue = 50

TH4: Help/Support Koma
In this section, I'll list what Train can do with his Help and Support Koma.
Damage calculation can be a bit weird with Train, because his attacks do
multiple hits and can be drastically reduced by being far from the enemy.
As such, I'll only list the maximum damage for each attack.

Help: Gives a nearby character an immunity to the Shock status effect.
You have to point the arrow at the character whom you want to give the
immunity to, otherwise it will do nothing.

Support Koma 2: Train appears and throws a bomb, that causes Blindness to
whoever it hits. It also deals some damage.

Support 2 Against Power Characters: 12 Damage
Support 2 Against Knowledge Characters: 18 Damage
Support 2 Against Laughter Characters: 12 Damage

Support Koma 2 Shape:

Support Koma 3: Train appears and fires his Rail Gun in a straight line
and causes Shock effect. It deals multiple hits, so actual damage depends
on how many hits connect with the enemy. It also appears that the farther
away from the enemy you are, the less hits they will recieve.These are only
the numbers I've got, so the actual max damage may be a few points

Support 3 Against Power Characters: 23 Damage
Support 3 Against Knowledge Characters: 34 Damage
Support 3 Against Laughter Characters: 23 Damage

Support Koma 3 Shape:

TH5: Battle Koma and Attack Damage
Train has 3 Battle Koma (4 Koma and two 5 Koma)and each one is a little
bit different than the last one. Here, I'll outline what these Koma do.
Keep in mind that J-Soul is what your life meter is called. The higher the
number, the more life you have. Also, remember that Train's Rail Gun does
multiple hits, so calculating minimum damage is hard, because being far from
the opponent can drastically reduce it's damage. Also, keep in mind that all
of Train's Special attacks are of the Power nature, no matter which Koma he
is using.

Battle Koma 4
J-Soul: 136
Nature: Power
Koma Shape:

Special Attack A: Train fires his Rail gun forward, and has a bit of charge
time, and lag time after the shot. Induces Shock effect.
Special Attack A Damage:
Against Power: 28 Damage
Against Knowledge: 42 Damage
Against Laughter: 28 Damage

Special Attack B: Train charges forward while spinning and strikes the
enemy physically with his gun. Unless the enemy is protected, or flashing
from hit recovery during part of the attack, it will do consistant damage.
Special Attack B Damage:
Against Power: 31 Damage
Against Knowledge: 46 Damage
Against Laughter: 31 Damage

Battle Koma 5 (Power)
J-Soul: 152
Nature: Power
Koma Shape:

Special Attack A: Train charges his Rail Gun, while being held by a good
friend of his, Minatsuki Saya, and fires the massive shot. Huge attack, with
large knockback effect and inflicts Shock status upon the enemy.
Special Attack A Damage:
Against Power: Low 50s
Against Knowledge: Mid 70s/Low 80s
Against Laughter: Low 50s

Special Attack B: Train jumps into the air at an angle, spinning around.
Deals consistant damage, but is much weaker than the Rail Gun.
Special Attack B Damage:
Against Power: 32
Against Knowledge: 55
Against Laughter: 32

Battle Koma 5 (Knowledge)
J-Soul: 152
Nature: Knowledge
Koma Shape:

Special Attack A: Same as his other 5 Koma, the Rail Gun.
Special Attack A Damage:
Against Power: Low 50s
Against Knowledge: Mid 70s/Low 80s
Against Laughter: Low 50s

Special Attack B: Same as his other 5 Koma. Damage is a bit different.
Special Attack B Damage:
Against Power: 35
Against Knowledge: 52
Against Laughter: 35
Ultimate Action: Train throws his gun into the air and catches it. This
will make his standard gunshot moves able to fire for 6 hits instead of 3.
However, it only lasts for the next set of shots he makes.

Standard Attacks and Damage:
These figures are for Train's 4 and 5 Koma which are Power based. For his
Knowledge Koma figures, just switch the heavier damage to Laughter instead
of Knowledge (i.e., B attacks do 7 damage to Power and Knowledge and 10 to
Laughter characters).

B button attacks - All of them do 7 Damage to Power and Laughter characters
and 10 damage to Knowledge characters. However, it should be noted that
B + Down (which is the move that anyone can use to force an opponent's
battle character to switch)is long range, and can be fired from acros the
screen, though they have to be within visible range.

Y Button attacks:
Y - Hits the opponent physically with his gun. 15 damage to Power and
Laughter, and 22 to Knowledge.

Gunshots - Fired with Y + Left/Right, Y + Up and Y in the air. Each shot
against a Power/Laughter character will do 5 damage, and against a Knowledge
will first do 7 damage, and every following shot will do 1 more damage than
the last shot (for example: Shot 2 does 8 damage, shot 3 does 9 damage).
Let's not forget that Train's Ultimate Action allows his next round
of shots to deal 6 shots instead of the standard 3. Train's Gunshots will
also ricochet off of the ground.

Y + Down - Deals 14 damage to Power and Laughter characters, and 21
damage to Knowledge. This is a Guard Break attack, and is also long range.

And that about wraps it up for damage output :)

TH6: Fighting with Train
Ah, the section you've all been waiting for! So, what makes this character
so useful? Lets take him apart :D

Close Range Attacks = Bad. If you use Train, you want to stay as far from
the opponent as you possibly can. He can take hits decently enough, but
his close range attacks are far too slow (and weak) to be useful unless you
are facing someone of a weaker nature.

Long Range Attacks = Good. Even though it appears that Train only has a few
moves to work with, if you use him correctly, he can decimate an entire
group of foes with no trouble.

His Ultimate Action. It increases his fire rate from 3 hits to 6 hits.
Now, while this may not seem like much, against a weaker natured character
that is otherwise disabled or occupied by another foe, you can deal tons
of damage from a distance. This can also be useful for quickly raising
his special bar, because he doesn't have to get near the enemy to harm them.

His Guard Break and Forced Change Attacks. Each of them take a second to
charge (everyone else's do too) but can hit from across the screen, and
be excellent set-ups for serious damage. For example, if the opponent
is using a Laughter and has a Knowledge in reserve, and you have Power
Train, you can use his Ultimate Action, force switch (and guard break if
they decide to take the defensive), let 6 shots loose on a weaker natured
character, and finish up with Rail Gun.

The Solid Wall Effect. The Rail Gun deals more damage if the enemy is caught
within it's blast from beginning to end, but if you are too far from the
enemy, or near a broken wall, they won't feel the full force of the shot.
So, a good tactic would be to back them into a solid wall with another
character, switch to Train and Rail Gun them at close range and watch their
colors drain away.

Reflect Shot. Train's Aerial Y attack will fire Shots downward at an angle,
but they bounce off the ground and travel back up. Using his Ultimate Action
beforehand can result in some nifty surprise attacks.

Slip n' Slide. There is a stage covered in icy floors that has no walls.
This stage is where Train can truly shine. His shots will knock enemies back
as if they were made of paper, even if they are defending. Use his UA and
let loose on someone, and they'll be knocked off the edge and be unable
to recover due to the shots still firing.

Stop Effect. One of the status effects will prevent you from moving for a
short time. However, you can still attack, and Train's gunshots will give
him an excellent defense until he can move again.

Hang back. When the opponents are busy beating the crap out of each other
at close range, simply continue firing at them from a distance to get in a
few hits without dirtying your hands. Once the battle comes towards you,
use the Rail Gun with your (probably) full Special bar and keep them at bay
until they fall.

Keep Moving. If you are being persued by a close range attacker, and you
don't have anyone left to switch to, stay away from them and fire with
Aerial Y attacks as you move. Facing someone like Don Patch or Sasuke
up close with Train is a VERY bad idea.

To sum all of this up, you want to keep your distance, abuse his Ultimate
Action and set them up in a trap where you'll have the upper hand (such as
against a solid wall). Plus, his long range force switch and guard break
skills are an excellent touch.

TH7: Fighting Against Train
Whereas players who use Train attempt to stay away and fire from a distance,
those who play against Train must close this gap without letting him corner
you, or give him the ability to set you up for massive damage.

There are a few ways to do this. One would be to use someone who specializes
at close range, but can function at long range as well (such as Renji or
Goku). Another way, would be to use a Support Koma that can prevent his
ability to attack, and then go after him once he has no way to stop you.

The ice stage strategy also works against Train. He'll be busy firing at his
opponents and attempting to ring-out them. While he's attacking, jump at him
and attack to throw him off balance, and ring out him. Unless he is using
his Aerial Y attack, he has to be planted on the ground, and due to the
lag after firing, you can hit him when he has nowhere to run.

Train cannot knock anyone into the air. None of his attacks are capable of
getting you more than a few inches off the ground. I'm not sure how this
will prove to be useful, but it's a fact nevertheless.

TH8: Supporting Train
Since Train is about distance, you'll want to give him a greater movement
ability, and prevent enemies from disabling him. That, and standard J-Soul
and Special increasing Helps.

Help Koma
Triple Jump: I'd recommend using Eve, since she also gives Train a boost.

Air Dash: Use Yoruichi from Bleach (a Black Cat) which also boosts him.

Reduce Damage Taken from Special Attacks: Use Sven, because he also Boosts

Health/SP Increase: Anyone really, it's always useful.

Increase SP Gauge when attacking with/blocking a battle character: Anyone,
but this REALLY helps, since you'll be firing at the enemy all the time.

Support Koma
I hardly use Support Koma, but I'll try to add what I can.

Future Trunks 3 Koma - I'd hate to say it, but he's strong and can damage
those who come too close.

Anything that can knock an enemy into the air, since Train cannot do that.

Battle Koma
Backups for Train. Something that can do what he cannot. Lenalee is a good
idea, due to her great air combos. Eve is a good idea as well, to deal
with Laughter characters (assuming you are using Power Train) and for quick
ring-outs on walled stages. Whoever you choose, just make sure that they
aren't the same type as Train.

Train should be considered a backup instead of a main character, because of
his complete inability to do any half decent damage at close range. But, if
you can manage to get good with him, he's worth the trouble and really,
nobody expects Train. He's not an amazing character in terms of what he
can actually do on his own, but like any fighting game, the character is
only as strong as the player is skilled.

TH9: Credits, Version Info and Legal Stuff
First of all, I'd like to give credit where credit is due.

Genroh - Without your FAQ, I would not have been able to get through the
game, since I cannot read Japanese. Thanks to your translations, I was able
to create this FAQ.

And some people I'd like to thank.
Nintendo - For creating the DS, the greatest handheld yet, and publishing
this game.

CJayC - For creating this website. And for the example legal stuff, since
this is my first FAQ.

Shonen Jump - For having Black Cat in your manga, thus allowing me to write
this FAQ.

Version Info
Version 1.0 - My first submission of my first FAQ. I hope it gets posted :D
At any rate, the only things I believe are missing would be a more complete
list of characters for the Supporting Train section.

Legal Stuff
Copyright 2006 Jason Dorfman

This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,
private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed
publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other
web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a
violation of copyright.

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their
respective trademark and copyright holders.

The only web site that has permission to post this FAQ is
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=^.^= This FAQ will not give you Bad Luck.

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