Thursday 21 December 2006

Testing 2

Testing 2

Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin Bestiary

1. Table of Contents
1. Table of Contents
2. Guide Version
3. Introduction
4. Notes
5. Bestiary
6. Credits/Thanks
7. Legal Crap
8. Contact Information

2. Guide Version
1.1 --Released 12-11-06. Updated the drop item for Alastor (Got it while at
work today) And went through and listed every magic and sub weapon accordingly.
Percentage chance
of drop rates added as well, thanks to Gambler Glasses.

1.0 – Released 12-10-06. Will probably contain several errors and need
corrections. I’ll put my contact info at the bottom so you guys can send in
error fixes and such if you find
any (I’m sure some of you will).

3. Introduction
Hi. I’d like to start off by saying that this game kicks ass, it’s my favorite
Castlevania yet and probably either my 2nd or 3rd favorite game (Mega Man
Powered Up being my 1st favorite
and Phoenix Wright perhaps tying it’s possible 2nd position). I’ve played it
almost nonstop since it came out and I’d like to thank Iga for making another
great addition to the CV series.

I’m making this bestiary because there are no guides up for Castlevania: PoR
yet, and I figure that this will help a LOT of people buying the game. This
guide will include all the information
you’ll most likely need on each monster, except for a few of the enemies found
exclusively in the final portrait (Those being 121 Iron Golem, 125 Skeleton
Farmer, and 127
Golden Skeleton) because I have yet to get their drop items… however it does
include other info on them as I have killed plenty of them (they just won’t
drop because they’re jerks). If
someone has the drop info for these monsters, send it to me. If not, I’ll most
likely have it myself in a few days (although I’m working 44 hours this week so
maybe not).

I’m also writing this guide because I know (other than maps) it’s one of the
things that players who replay the game or are looking for quick info go for.
People who can handle a game
themself but get stuck at something boring and need a quick boost through… or
a little help without spending hours of needless time consumption on the game.
I hope to build maps
soon, too, as well as an item list. I want people to be able to play this game
to the fullest, and I think getting bogged down by things like mindlessly
killing enemies over and over or
searching for a secret enemy or item is a waste of time that could be better
spent ENJOYING the game rather than becoming frustrated with it.

4. Notes

These are all the different types of damage that can be dealt.

Blunt Weapons: Damage dealt to an enemy by either axe or fist weapons.
Whips: Damage dealt to an enemy by a whip weapon (It is possible spear weapons
fit in this category, I have yet to confirm. If someone would for me I’d be
Swords: Damage dealt to an enemy by a sword weapon. (Great swords also)
Fire: Damage dealt to an enemy by a weapon/sub weapon/magic that has fire
Water(Ice): Damage dealt to an enemy by a weapon/sub weapon/magic that has
water attribute.
Lightning: Damage Damage dealt to an enemy with a weapon/sub weapon/magic that
has lightning attribute..
Dark: Damage dealt to an enemy with a weapon/sub weapon/magic that has dark
Holy: Damage Damage dealt to an enemy with a weapon/sub weapon/magic that has
holy attribute.
Poison: Damage dealt to an enemy with a weapon/sub weapon/magic that has poison
Curse: Damage dealt to an enemy with a weapon/sub weapon/magic that has curse
Earth: Weapons Damage dealt to an enemy with a weapon/sub weapon/magic that has
earth attribute.

I don’t know if those are the official names, so if they aren’t gimme the word

Damage dealt to enemies will generally do 50% (if they’re resistant) 100% (if
they’re neither resistant nor weak to) or 150% (if they’re weak to). There are
exceptions to this however, as
some enemies will be super resitant to certain weapons. I might or might not
make a note of this next to the enemy, if you notice an enemy being super
weak/resistant to a certain
weapon/attribute please e-mail me and I’ll add this.

As mentioned in the introduction, I don’t have drop items listed yet for 3
enemies, but I’m working on it.

I’m also working on adding enemy locations, which will probably be updated in
the next week or so.

Also, some of you might not know what SP is. That’s basically “Skill”
experience for Johnathon. If you go into “Guides” in the start menu, you can
actually check on each skill and how
much experience you have on it, as well as how much it takes to master it. The
mastery ring will increase the number of SP you receive.

Update: I've gone through and labeled every magic with (Magic) and every sub
weapon with (Sub Weapon) for your convenience. Knowledge of these should help
you finish two of the
more difficult quests as well as help you find what you need.

Update: Percentage drops added. These drop rates are based upon a level 71
Johnathon WITHOUT thief ring equipped and 42 LCK, using Gambler Glasses to

Some of my comments MAY contain slight spoilers, avoid reading them if you
haven't beaten the game. They're at the bottom and marked by "-=-" so you know
where they are. My hints
are made to be helpful, not to spoil things, although they might incidentally
mention something you might not know yet.

Hit CTRL+F to find what item you are looking for, same for the monster number.
If he's a toughie to find I'll say something on where he is. You can also
CTRL+F "Sub Weapon" and
"Magic" then hit "Find Next" so you can get all of them (if you're looking for

4. Bestiary

Here’s an example before we start, so you know what means what.

XXX (Monster Number) Enemy (Enemy’s Name)
“Bla bla bla” (Enemy Description)
** (Rarity of drop item/sub weapon/magic, from one to five stars) Item 1 (One
of their drop items, will try and list if it is a sub weapon or magic) 20%
(Chance of Drop)
**** (Rarity of drop item/sub weapon/magic, from one to five stars) Item 2
(Their other drop item, will try and list if it is a sub weapon or magic) 9%
(Chance of Drop)
Weak to: Blunt Weapons, Whips, Fire (What weapons and attributes they are weak
Resistant to: Blades, Holy, Dark. (What weapons and attributes they are strong
HP: 99 (Their Hit Points) EXP 999 (Experience they give you) SP (Skill points
they give you)
Special Note: Bla Bla Bla (This will appear if I feel like making a comment or
an important note. They also kept me from losing my sanity while writing this)

Now we start the real thing
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
001 Zombie
“An animated corpse.”
** Rotten Meat 5.64%
*** Hobo’s Clothes 4.23%
Weak to: Swords, Fire, Holy, Earth
Resistant to: Dark
HP: 8
EXP: 2
SP: 1
-=-Turns into a Skeleton when dealt fire damage-=-
002 Bat
“A bloodsucking bat that lurks in the castle.”
Weak to: Swords
Resistant to: Nothing
HP: 1
EXP: 1
SP: 1
003 Skeleton
“A skeletal corpse controlled by magic.”
*** Summon Skeleton (Magic) 4.23%
HP 10
Weak to: Blunt Weapons, Whips, Fire, Holy
Resistant to: Dark
HP: 10
EXP: 3
SP: 1
004 Axe Armor
“A zombie warrior in heavy armor, equipped with a devastating axe.”
** Copper Plate 5.64%
** Axe (Sub Weapon) 5.64%
Weak to: Blunt Weapons, Whips, Lightning
Resistant to: Water
HP: 28
EXP: 4
SP: 1
005 Death Mask
“A demon who flies about, wearing the face of a dead human.”
Weak to: Holy
Resistant to: Dark
HP: 20
EXP: 10
SP: 1
006 Zacchino
“A stylish and sociable demon who is quite attentive to the ladies.”
*** Hero’s Cape 4.93%
*** Cutlass 3.52%
Weak to: Blunt Weapons, Whips, Fire, Holy
Resistant to: Dark
HP: 35
EXP: 9
SP: 1
007 Student Witch
“An immature witch who’s still learning her spells.”
** Cotton Apron 6.35%
*** Witch’s Hat 4.23%
Weak to: Whips, Swords, Poison, Curse, Earth
Resistant to: Nothing
HP: 42
EXP: 10
SP: 1
008 Slinger
“A skeleton that attacks by throwing his own ribs.”
Weak to: Blunt Weapons, Whips, Fire, Holy
Resistant to: Dark
HP: 19
EXP: 9
SP: 1
009 Mini Devil
“A small demon who makes up for his size in ferocity and malevolence.”
** Tonic 5.64%
Weak to: Holy
Resistant to: Dark
HP: 10
EXP: 11
SP: 1
010 Mud Man
“A figure made of mud, imbued with a tormented soul.”
Weak to: Nothing
Resistant to: Nothing
HP: 20
EXP: 8
SP: 1
011 Merman
“Half fish, half man, and all monster. It hunts prey near the water.”
*** Meuniere 2.82%
Weak to: Whips, Swords, Fire, Lightning, Curse, Earth
Resistant to: Water
HP: 35
EXP: 13
SP: 1
012 Une
“An eerie plant that feeds on blood.”
** Strawberry 5.64%
Weak to: Swords, Fire, Earth
Resistant to: Lightning
HP: 10
EXP: 5
SP: 1
013 Skull Archer
“An archer made of bone.”
Weak to: Blunt Weapons, Whips, Fire, Holy
Resistant to: Dark
HP: 40
EXP: 16
SP: 1
014 Ukoback
“A burning demon who likes to play with fire.”
Weak to: Whips, Swords, Water, Earth
Resistant to: Fire
HP: 16
EXP: 19
SP: 2
015 Forneus
“A demonic sea-creature from the oceans of the underworld.”
** Paella 5.64%
Weak to: Blunt Weapons, Whips, Fire
Resistant to: Dark
HP: 44
EXP: 13
SP: 1
016 Peeping Eye
“A creature that keeps watch in the castle”
***** Eye for Decay 0.70%
Weak to: Whips, Swords
Resistant to: Nothing
HP: 21
EXP: 15
SP: 1
-=-Eye for Decay finds broken walls when equipped, you might want to camp this
guy. On my second run through the game, he dropped an Eye for Decay the VERY
first time I killed
017 Skull Bartender
“His Bloody Mary is to die for. Just ask Mary.”
** Tropical Sundae 8.46%
Weak to: Blunt Weapons, Whips, Fire, Holy
Resistant to: Dark
HP: 50
EXP: 20
SP: 2
-=-Found in a secret area in City of Haze. If you manage to find it on your
first visit, watch out for his attack, it can do a surprising amount of damage.
Also his description is hilariously
018 Wight
“A powerful undead being, born from a rotting zombie.”
* Poncho 14.11%
* Penters Natural 14.11%
Weak to: Swords, Fire, Holy
Resistant to: Dark
HP: 44
EXP: 30
SP: 4
-=-This enemy appears to elude a lot of people. Just kill zombies in City of
Haze till one appears. Turns into a skeleton when dealt fire damage-=-
019 Frozen Shade
“A wraith that can freeze the air.”
** Inuit Boots 5.64%
Weak to: Fire, Holy, Earth
Resistant to: Water, Dark
HP: 50
EXP: 19
SP: 1
020 Andras
“A demon who rides a wolf and carries a flaming sword.”
** Biker’s Jacket 8.46%
** Falchion 7.5%
Weak to: Whips, Swords, Fire
Resistant to: Nothing
HP: 70
EXP: 17
SP: 1
021 Invisible Man
“A magician who gained invisibility, but gave up his soul in return.”
** Melon 5.64%
Weak to: Blunt Weapons, Whips, Fire, Holy
Resistant to: Dark
HP: 75
EXP: 32
SP: 2
022 Golem
“A powerful golem created by infusing special stones with magical life.”
*** Tough Ring 4.23%
Weak to: Blunt Weapons
Resistant to: Swords
HP: 90
EXP: 40
SP: 0
023 Persephone
“The count’s demonic maid. She seems to have bought a new vacuum cleaner.”
** Frilly Camisole 5.64%
*** Pudding Bucket 2.82%
Weak to: Whips, Swords, Holy, Poison, Earth
Resistant to: Dark
HP: 60
EXP: 35
SP: 2
-=-I find it funny they made note of her sprite update in the description-=-
024 Mimic
“A creature that disguises itself as treasure, then awaits its prey.”
** Abalone Brooch 5.64%
Weak to: Whips, Swords, Fire, Curse, Earth
Resistant to: Nothing
HP: 99
EXP: 38
SP: 2
-=-Anyone remember their first mimic in a video game? I think mine was in Wild
ARMS… freaked me out. I wonder what inspired these enemies to show up in so
many games.-=-
025 Larva
“A spirit with the head of a man and the body of a worm.”
Weak to: Holy
Resistant to: Blunt Weapons, Whips, Swords, Dark
HP: 9
EXP: 6
SP: 1
026 Lerajie
“An evil hunter. Uses ricocheting bullets to kill from afar.”
** Amethyst Corset 8.46%
** Ricochet Rock (Sub Weapon) 8.46%
Weak to: Whips, Swords, Fire
Resistant to: Nothing
HP: 72
EXP: 42
SP: 2
-=-Couldn’t she kill from afar with normal bullets too? <.<-=-
027 Spittle Bone
“A four-legged skeleton that crawls on walls.”
Weak to: Blunt Weapons, Whips, Fire, Holy
Resistant to: Dark
HP: 10
EXP: 33
SP: 1
028 Ghost
“A small spirit doomed to wander the castle grounds for all eternity.”
*** Summon Ghost (Magic) 2.82%
Weak to: Holy
Resistant to: Blunt Weapons, Whips, Swords, Dark
HP: 8
EXP: 9
SP: 1
029 Red Skeleton
“A skeleton warrior that has absorbed blood. It can regenerate.”
Weak to: Blunt Weapons, Whips, Fire, Holy
Resistant to: Dark
HP: 1
EXP: 127
SP: 5
-=-You CAN kill these things. Use the Sanctuary spell. Get the Sanctuary spell
in Sandy Grave by transforming into a frog and going into a secret passage near
where the boulder smashes
you. You also need the sanctuary spell to get the good ending and play about
half of the game. If you are having a hard time killing them equip the Hercules
Ring dropped by the
minotaur. It will let you charge spells while still being hit, and make
killing them a breeze. Odd that they have weaknesses and resistances
considering they have 1 HP and can
030 Armor Knight
“An armored zombie warrior who carries a spear.”
** Long Spear 9.87%
** Javelin (Sub Weapon) 8.46%
Weak to: Blunt Weapons, Whips, Lightning
Resistant to: Water
HP: 60
EXP: 48
SP: 3
031 Ectoplasm
“A substance created by souls who cannot find rest.”
** Uncurse Potion 7.5 %
** Cure Curse (Magic) 5.46%
Weak to: Holy
Resistant to: Blunt Weapons, Whips, Swords, Dark
HP: 10
EXP: 36
SP: 2
032 Bone Pillar
“The skulls of dinosaurs, animated by a demonic force.”
Weak to: Blunt Weapons, Whips, Fire, Holy
Resistant to: Dark
HP: 100
EXP: 23
SP: 1
033 Fleaman
“A sinister little man who leaps about as if he were a flea.”
*** Fedora 2.82%
**** Pancake 1.41%
Weak to: Whips, Swords, Curse, Earth
Resistant to: Nothing
HP: 15
EXP: 19
SP: 1
-=-I hate these things, a lot-=-
034 Great Armor
“A heavily-armored knight who commands other armored warriors.”
** Iron Plate 5.64%
*** Great Sword 4.23%
Weak to: Blunt Weapons, Whips, Lightning
Resistant to: Water
HP: 240
EXP: 120
SP: 4
035 Catoblepas
“This ox-like beast’s breath turns living things to stone.”
** Milk 5.64%
*** Tasty Meat 2.82%
Weak to: Whips, Swords, Fire
Resistant to: Earth
HP: 120
EXP: 60
SP: 2
036 Slime
“A creature made of a slimy gel. Resistant to physical attacks.”
Weak to: Fire, Water, Lightning
Resistant to: Blunt Weapons, Whips, Swords
HP: 20
EXP: 45
SP: 2
037 Mummy
“A mummified warrior, buried in a tomb to protect his king.”
*** Stone Mask 2.82%
Weak to: Swords, Fire, Holy, Earth
Resistant to: Dark
HP: 64
EXP: 24
SP: 1
-=-His description says “buried in a tomb” yet he’s not buried, as he’s clearly
summoned by his bandages moving together, and on top of that you fight them
outside on the desert (even
in the opening movie) rather than “in a tomb.” These descriptions seem so
clichéd and haphazardly put together. Oh well, I can’t really complain about
something so stupid lol. I’ll try and
refrain from blabbing as much in other enemy descriptions-=-
038 Dragon Zombie
“A zombie dragon. It lost its magic, but has become mindlessly violent.”
** Gladius 7.5%
** Zweihander 5.64%
Weak to: Swords, Fire, Holy
Resistant to: Dark
HP: 350
EXP: 150
SP: 5
039 Killer Clown
“A murderous clown who’s popular at demon birthday parties.”
** Joker 7.76%
** Hamburger 6.35%
Weak to: Whips, Swords, Poison, Earth
Resistant to: Nothing
HP: 110
EXP: 65
SP: 2
-=-…Birthday parties?-=-
040 Coppelia
“An acrobat from hell that entertains demons.”
** Diamond 7.76%
** Clown Shirt 6.35%
Weak to: Whips, Swords, Poison, Earth
Resistant to: Nothing
HP: 80
EXP: 54
SP: 2
-=-You know it says “Entertains demons” so I thought about making a sexual
joke. Then I realized that these same demons like retarded clowns and decided
not to.-=-
041 Hanged Bones
“A skeleton that sways like a swing.”
Weak to: Blunt Weapons, Whips, Fire, Holy
Resistant to: Dark
HP: 80
EXP: 10
SP: 1
042 Flying Skulls
“A skull that flies through the air.”
** Glasses 5.64%
Weak to: Blunt Weapons, Whips, Fire, Holy
Resistant to: Dark
HP: 10
EXP: 15
SP: 1
043 Sand Worm
“An enormous worm that lurks in the ground to snare its prey.”
Weak to: Whips, Swords, Fire
Resistant to: Blunt
HP: 250
EXP: 100
SP: 5
044 White Dragon
“The bones of a long-necked dinosaur, animated by a demonic force.”
Weak to: Blunt Weapons, Whips, Fire, Holy
Resistant to: Dark
HP: 80
EXP: 110
SP: 4
045 Amphisbaena
“A double-headed snake. Its name means “Able to move in both directions.”
** Pearl Tiara 5.64%
** Ruby Corset 5.64%
Weak to: Whips, Swords, Fire
Resistant to: Blunt Weapons
HP: 266
EXP: 94
SP: 3
046 Elgiza
“A guardian of treasure.”
** Kalasiris 5.64%
*** Uraeus 4.23%
Weak to: Nothing
Resistant to: Nothing
HP: 168
EXP: 133
SP: 5
-=-I don’t believe he actually guards any treasure lol-=-
047 Great Ghost
“An enormous phantom.”
Weak to: Holy
Resistant to: Blunt Weapons, Whips, Swords, Dark
HP: 66
EXP: 240
SP: 9
-=-You have to go to Sandy Grave and into one of the far right rooms in the
pyramid to get this guy. Just keep killing ghosts till he shows up.-=-
048 Devil Wheel
“A demonically-posessed wheel that is obsessed with speed.”
** Coffee 7.5%
Weak to: Blunt Weapons, Whips, Fire, Holy
Resistant to: Dark
HP: 55
EXP: 56
SP: 2
049 Crossbow Armor
“An armored warrior equipped with a crossbow and exploding bolts.”
*** Silver Plate 4.23%
*** Crossbow (Sub Weapon) 2.82%
Weak to: Blunt Weapons, Whips, Lightning
Resistant to: Water
HP: 111
EXP: 95
SP: 3
-=-I hate these things, I think they were my first game over. It was like
“BLAM” and I got hit through a wall. Then I backdashed off a ledge away from
another then his attack followed me.
Turns out the strategy for him is “attack quickly…” hesitation ends up getting
you hit a lot of times.-=-
050 Lilith
“An enchanting demon who deludes her victims with mystifying beauty.”
*** Silent Sandals 4.23%
*** Lilith Corset 2.82%
Weak to: Whips, Swords, Holy, Poison, Earth
Resistant to: Dark
HP: 83
EXP: 76
SP: 2
051 Skeleton Flail
“A skeleton warrior armed with a flail.”
** Morning Star 5.64%
Weak to: Blunt Weapons, Whips, Fire
Resistant to: Dark
HP: 80
EXP: 75
SP: 2
-=-The Morning Star is a very powerful weapon for how early in the game it can
be grabbed, you might want to kill these guys till you get one.-=-
052 Skeleton Gunman
“A skeleton warrior armed with an old musket.”
*** Summon Gunman (Magic) 2.11%
Weak to: Blunt Weapons, Whips, Fire, Holy
Resistant to: Dark
HP: 50
EXP: 54
SP: 2
053 Hill Guard
“An armored Warrior who specializes in fighting on uneven ground.”
** Gladius 5.64%
*** Iron Helmet 2.82%
Weak to: Blunt Weapons, Whips, Lightning
Resistant to: Water
HP: 60
EXP: 77
SP: 2
054 Imp
“A tiny demon who loves mischief.”
*** Trident 4.23%
Weak to: Fire, Holy
Resistant to: Dark
HP: 33
EXP: 44
SP: 1
-=-Camping these guys in the Dark Academy with a Thief Ring attached is a nice
way to get some cash on those Tridents.-=-
055 Harpy
“A vicious bird-like creature with the head and torso of a woman.”
** Penne Arrabiata 5.64%
Weak to: Whips, Swords, Fire, Poison, Earth
Resistant to: Blunt Weapons
HP: 120
EXP: 113
SP: 3
056 Corpseweed
“A grown Une that bears the face of the human it fed on.”
** Orchid Corsage 5.64%
Weak to: Swords, Fire, Earth
Resistant to: Lightning
HP: 148
EXP: 53
SP: 2
057 Medusa Head
“A monster created in great numbers from the head of Medusa.”
**** Medusa Whip 1.41%
**** Summon Medusa (Magic) 1.41%
Weak to: Swords
Resistant to: Nothing
HP: 1
EXP: 1
SP: 1
058 Skelerang
“A skeleton that expertly hurls boomerangs.”
** Boomerang (Sub Weapon) 9.87%
Weak to: Blunt Weapons, Whips, Fire, Holy
Resistant to: Dark
HP: 81
EXP: 77
SP: 2
059 Gaibon
“A demonic knight who serves Death. It can spit fire while flying.”
Weak to: Swords, Holy, Earth
Resistant to: Dark
HP: 216
EXP: 186
SP: 4
-=-I wonder if it can spit fire while stationary, too. e_e Ugh, some of these
descriptions are stupid.-=-
060 Slogra
“A demonic knight who serves Death. It fights on the ground with a spear.”
** Couse 5.64%
Weak to: Swords, Holy, Earth
Resistant to: Dark
HP: 208
EXP: 188
SP: 4
061 Flying Armor
“A sinister cape-clad figure who flies through the air wielding his swords.”
*** Heaven’s Sword 2.82%
Weak to: Blunt Weapons, Whips, Lightning
Resistant to: Water
HP: 112
EXP: 163
SP: 4
-=-Doesn’t he only have one sword?-=-
062 Blue Crow
“The spirit of a crow that continues to fly, even after death.”
Weak to: Whips, Swords, Fire
Resistant to: Blunt Weapons
HP: 13
EXP: 34
SP: 1
063 Frog
“A frog of ill omen”
*** 1000 Year Egg 4.23%
*** Summon Frog (Magic) 3.52%
Weak to: Whips, Swords, Fire
Resistant to: Nothing
HP: 5
EXP: 16
SP: 1
-=-Scary, a frog, how befitting of a game filled with monsters to have a
terrifying frog in it. Anyone noticed how several enemies are weak to whips,
sword and fire? I find that strange since
they’re right next to each other. I kind of think those enemies are meant to
be weak to blunt weapons, whips, and swords, but whoever programmed weaknesses
064 Killer Doll
“A cursed doll that wanders in search of living flesh.”
Weak to: Fire, Holy, Earth
Resistant to: Dark
HP: 90
EXP: 87
SP: 2
065 Killer Bee
“A bee with a stinger that can easily pierce and kill.”
Weak to: Whips, Sword, Fire
Resistant to: Nothing
HP: 1
EXP: 8
SP: 1
066 Dogether
“A magical being created by a forbidden spell.”
*** Monocle 3.52%
*** Stone Circle (Magic) 2.82%
Weak to: Holy
Resistant to: Dark
HP: 144
EXP: 157
SP: 4
-=-This was one of my favorite bosses in Chi no Rondo simply because of how
bizarre he was-=-
067 Bee Hive
“A hive of killer bees. Highly prized among demons as a delicacy.”
*** Beehive 2.82%
Weak to: Whip, Sword, Fire
Resistant to: Nothing
HP: 288
EXP: 118
SP: 3
-=-Took me a while to figure out the beehive DROPS the beehive needed for that
one quest-=-
068 Moldy Corpse
“A human consumed by evil after eating a cursed mushroom.”
*** Amanita 4.23%
*** Mushroom 2.82%
Weak to: Swords, Fire, Holy, Earth
Resistant to: Dark
HP: 112
EXP: 95
SP: 3
-=-Don’t take shrooms, kids-=-
069 Tombstone
“A gravestone that rattles around violently.”
Weak to: Blunt Weapons
Resistant to: Swords
HP: 30
EXP: 114
SP: 4
070 Treant
“An ancient tree animated by a malevolent will.”
** Club 9.87%
Weak to: Swords, Fire
Resistant to: Lightning
HP: 340
EXP: 205
SP: 5
071 Red Axe Armor
“An armored warrior powered by blood. It cannot be killed.”
*** Magical Ticket 2.82%
Weak to: Blunt Weapons, Whips, Lightning
Resistant to: Water
HP: 63
EXP: 255
SP: 12
-=-Wow, it’s description says it can’t be killed… lol. You can only kill this
thing by using the sanctuary spell, much like killing a Red Skeleton. If you’re
trying to complete your own drop
list, you might find it quite annoying trying to get their “magical ticket.”
You can buy a magical ticket really cheap from Vincent, so only read further if
you’re looking to complete your
drop list. Go to 13th Street and get to the part where you go up and there are
3 Red Axe Armors on the ledge above you. Equip Charlotte with Hercules Ring
(Obtained from Minotaur) and
Sanctuary. As soon as you appear on the screen with them, use Sanctuary. Don’t
even bother holding up, as soon as possible the spell will be cast and it will
hit and kill all 3 of them. Just
repeat this until the jerk drops the card.
072 Maneating Plant
“A carnivorous plant that grew and developed a taste for human flesh.”
** Rose Stem Whip 7.5%
Weak to: Swords, Fire
Resistant to: Lightning
HP: 191
EXP: 164
SP: 3
-=-They should really put a space in the name so it’s actually read like
“man-eating.” Also, I’ve never seen it try to actually “eat” a character. He
simply just spits at them or throws pollen.
For a “maneating” plant I’d expect him to like try and beat me or something-=-
073 Skeleton Blaze
“An elite skeleton warrior armed with two swords.”
** Katar 5.64%
*** Slick Boots 2.82%
Weak to: Blunt Weapons, Whip, Fire, Holy
Resistant to: Dark
HP: 180
EXP: 193
SP: 4
074 Razor Bat
“A bat that attacks with razor-sharp blades.”
*** Rahab’s Frost 2.82%
Weak to: Whips, Swords, Earth
Resistant to: Nothing
HP: 50
EXP: 80
SP: 3
-=-I would hardly call it attacking, the thing just sits there and only lifts
the sword if you get REALLY close-=-
075 Wyvern
“A winged beast related to dragons.”
Weak to: Whips, Swords, Fire, Earth
Resistant to: Blunt Weapons
HP: 293
EXP: 229
SP: 5
076 Malachi
“A pagan being from ancient times who strikes fear in anyone near him.”
*** Skull Mask 3.52%
*** Nightmare (Magic) 2.82%
Weak to: Holy
Resistant to: Dark
HP: 444
EXP: 333
SP: 6
077 Spin Devil
Weak to: Holy
Resistant to: Dark
HP: 99
EXP: 100
SP: 2
078 Succubus
“A demon that assumes the form of a beautiful maiden to drain vitality.”
*** Europa’s Dress 3.52%
*** Succubus Boots 2.11%
Weak to: Whips, Swords, Holy, Earth
Resistant to: Dark
HP: 185
EXP: 191
SP: 5
-=-She calls the sisters “fat cows” in sisters mode lol-=-
079 Flame Demon
“A fire-wielding demon born in the molten pits of the underworld.”
*** Agni’s Flame 2.82%
Weak to: Water, Holy
Resistant to: Flame, Dark
HP: 222
EXP: 244
SP: 6
080 Dead Crusader
“A zombie warrior bearing a sturdy shield”
**** Impervious Mail 1.41%
Weak to: Swords, Fire, Holy, Earth
Resistant to: Dark
HP: 99
EXP: 150
SP: 6
081 Heavy Armor
“An armored zombie warrior with great strength; he swings a steel ball.”
*** Wrecking Ball (Sub Weapon) 4.23%
*** Heavy Armor 2.11%
Weak to: Blunt Weapons, Whips, Lightning
Resistant to: Water
HP: 299
EXP: 310
SP: 8
-=-Statistically, Heavy Armor is the best armor in the game. Unfortunately it
makes you walk RIDICULOUSLY slow and doesn’t even cancel out when wearing the
different speed
increasing shoes-=-
082 Malphas
“A black demon that is accompanied by crows.”
Weak to: Fire, Holy
Resistant to: Nothing
HP: 666
EXP: 573
SP: 12
-=-Both his HP and EXP are funny. His HP is what used to be considered the
number of the beast (which was recently recalculated and proven to be 616) and
his EXP is a referance to
Konami. In japanese, 5-7-3 are “Ko-Na-Mi.” I think the original high score
limit for early Gradius games were 573,000 in tribute to that.
083 Final Guard
“An elite warrior chosen to guard key areas in the castle.”
*** Defensive Form (Sub Weapon) 3.52%
**** Final Sword 1.41%
Weak to: Nothing
Resistant to: Everything
HP: 50
EXP: 500
SP: 15
-=-He only takes 1 damage from every attack except certain Dual Crush attacks.
My advice is to just 1,000 knives him, which will throw just enough knives to
kill him. The number of knives
obviously being his HP, which is 50. You’d think 1,000 knives would be… 1,000
knives, nope, it’s 50. Anyway, Final Sword is really worth getting as it’s the
most powerful Great Sword
and the second most powerful weapon (unless I’m missing a weapon). However, I
prefer the Holy Claymore as my weapon of choice due to it’s mind boost and holy
attribute (as you’ve
noticed, many enemies are weak to holy). However, if you can’t afford the Holy
Claymore, get your 1,000 knives out and start grinding on the one nearest a
save point.-=-
084 Glasya Labolas
“A demonic dog with large, powerful wings”
** Acidic Bubbles (Magic) 8.46%
** Hot Dog 7.5%
Weak to: Fire, Holy
Resistant to: Dark
HP: 155
EXP: 83
SP: 3
-=-Get it? Hot Dog? LOLOLOL. Srsly tho… this guy, Vapula, and Medusa all make
me like this game a little less. They’re all freaking retarded looking and way
out of place in Castlevania.
They look like they were rejects for a “Kiddyvania” game and were all designed
by someone who makes plush toys for 7 year olds.-=-
085 Ghoul
“A foul creature that feeds on the flesh of the dead.”
*** Combat Fatigues 2.11%
Weak to: Swords, Fire, Holy, Earth
Resistant to: Dark
HP: 99
EXP: 13
SP: 1
-=- Turns into a Skeleton when dealt fire damage. Also, are the combat fatigues
saying that he was perhaps a dead WWII soldier? I was hoping for a lot more
military action in this game
and was disappointed from lack of it. I mean, Aria of Sorrow had military
zombies and it wasn’t even taking place anywhere NEAR war-time. Then again I
suppose the zombies in Aria were
still there from 1999’s enormous battle. -=-
086 Ruler’s Sword
“A sword controlled by an evil will.”
*** Jagdplaute 4.23%
*** Dragon Slayer 2.82%
Weak to: Lightning, Holy
Resistant to: Nothing
HP: 300
EXP: 400
SP: 13
087 Witch
“A spellcaster who rides an enchanted broomstick.”
** Traveler’s Hat 5.64%
*** Astral Brooch 2.82%
Weak to: Whips, Swords, Holy, Poison
Resistant to: Fire, Water, Lightning
HP: 106
EXP: 124
SP: 6
088 Skeleton Tree
“A skeleton that grows like a tree.”
Weak to: Blunt Weapons, Whips, Fire, Holy
Resistant to: Dark
HP: 150
EXP: 58
089 Buster Armor
“An armored warrior who specializes in long-range attacks.”
**** Gold Plate 1.41%
Weak to: Blunt Weapons, Whips, Lightning
Resistant to: Water
HP: 288
EXP: 330
SP: 9
090 Armored Fleaman
“A little Fleaman armed with an axe and protected by armor.”
*** Bhuj 2.11%
**** Berserker (Magic) 1.41%
Weak to: Nothing
Resistant to: Nothing
HP: 80
EXP: 125
SP: 4
091 Amalric Sniper
“A fallen angel who is now a fearsome archer.”
*** Pudding 2.11%
**** Blessed Ankh 1.41%
Weak to: Whips, Swords, Dark
Resistant to: Holy
HP: 179
EXP: 218
SP: 8
-=-FINALLY a guy who’s strong against holy attacks and weak to dark ones. The
Amalric Sniper (Previously known in SotN as “Sniper of Goth”) is probably my
favorite Castlevania
enemy. Something is just really cool about him… Also, he drops a Blessed Ankh,
which raises recovery item’s effectiveness by 50%. That item is PRICELESS in
the Nest of Evil and is a
must get before you go there. The Blessed Ankh also is in effect regardless of
which character you have as your main at the time.-=-
092 Old Axe Armor
“A veteran zombie warrior wearing antique armor.”
**** Voulge 1.41%
***** Ancient Armor 0.70%
Weak to: Blunt Weapons, Whips, Lightning
Resistant to: Water
HP: 145
EXP: 156
SP: 0
-=-I have no clue why they stuck in this game other than to make it feel a
little more Rondo-ish as this guy was all over Chi no Rondo (And they did add
the Richter[Richiter?] and Maria
combo from Chi no Rondo). I heard if you kill him 1000 times it makes him
playable, but I’ve yet to test this. I do know there are a confirmed 7 playable
characters in PoR though, so this
could very well be true. Ancient Armor makes all attacks do 10% damage to you,
so they’re useful if you’re fighting beefy guys like Dracula’s final form who
do more than 10% when they
whack you.-=-
093 Gorgon
“A monstrous bull that breathes clouds of toxic gas.”
*** New York Steak 2.11%
**** Mirror Cuirass 1.41%
Weak to: Whip, Sword, Fire
Resistant to: Poison, Earth
HP: 295
EXP: 187
SP: 6
094 Jack O’ Bones
“A skeleton who specializes in throwing attacks.”
*** Spoiled Milk 3.52%
**** Adrenaline Gear 1.41%
Weak to: Blunt Weapons, Whip, Fire
Resistant to: Dark
HP: 100
EXP: 114
SP: 5
095 Tanjelly
“A poisonous creature made of a slimy gel. Resistant to physical attacks.”
Weak to: Fire, Water, Lightning
Resistant to: Blunt Weapons
HP: 155
EXP: 201
SP: 5
-=-Resistant to all physical attacks. I wonder why Slime is specifically
resistant to each, yet Tanjelly is only specifically resistant to Blunt while
BOTH are extra resistant to all physicals.-=-
096 Dead Warrior
“A dead knight whose spirit still lusts for battle.”
*** Samurai Plate 2.11%
Weak to: Swords, Fire, Holy, Poison, Earth
Resistant to: Dark
HP: 210
EXP: 193
SP: 6
-=-Samurai Plate is a REALLY good armor that is worth picking up, especially
since it’s not too rare.-=-
097 Toad
“The result of a demonic ritual gone wrong.”
*** Piyoko 4.93%
Weak to: Whips, Swords, Fire
Resistant to: Nothing
HP: 30
EXP: 34
SP: 3
098 Aliorumnas
“Witches banished by the Gothic king Filimer.”
*** Dalmatica 2.82%
Weak to: Whips, Swords, Curse, Poison, Earth
Resistant to: Fire, Water, Lightning
HP: 196
EXP: 212
SP: 6
-=-Aliorumnas and Filimer obviously aren’t originally from Castlevania, I
wonder what mythology or story inspired this character…-=-
099 Dodo
“An extremely rare bird. It is rather cowardly and runs away quickly.”
* Fried Chicken 14.11%
** Heart brooch 7.5%
Weak to: Whips, Swords, Fire
Resistant to: Blunt Weapons
HP: 100
EXP: 365
SP: 30
-=-You can find this guy a screen left of where you sink into The Forgotten
City. He appears about once every 4 times you visit the screen, and will walk
close to you in about 3 seconds if
he spawned. Wait for him to come to you, for if you run to him he might get
scared and high-tail it away from you. I suppose his EXP being 365 is a
reference to the rarity that he appears
(Once a year), also, didn’t he drop a heart brooch as his first drop in
100 Vice Beetle
“An insect with crushingly powerful jaws. Crawls on the ceiling.”
Weak to: Blunt Weapons, Whips, Fire, Holy
Resistant to: Dark
HP: 30
EXP: 64
SP: 3
-=-Funny that his jaws don’t DO anything and he just spits poison gas
101 Alura Une
“An Une fattened with copious pools of blood.”
** Rose Corsage 5.64%
*** Muse’s Tiara 3.52%
Weak to: Swords, Fire, Earth
Resistant to: Lightning
HP: 573
EXP: 440
SP: 11
-=-Another one of my favorite enemies. I don’t find her attractive, just really
neat looking and a very cool idea for an enemy.-=-
102 Lightkeeper
“A demon who lights magical torches on graves.”
Weak to: Whips, Swords, Water, Poison
Resistant to: Fire
HP: 220
EXP: 250
SP: 8
-=-Odd he’s resistant to fire when he only dies after being set on fire…-=-
103 Black Crow
“An evil crow that has developed a taste for human flesh.”
** Summon Crow (Magic) 5.64%
Weak to: Whips, Swords, Fire
Resistant to: Blunt Weapons
HP: 33
EXP: 69
SP: 1
-=-lol 69 EXP-=-
104 Mandragora
“Those who hear its scream know madness.”
Weak to: Swords, Fire
Resistant to: Lightning
HP: 190
EXP: 150
SP: 5
105 Wakwak Tree
“A nasty tree that produces Fleamen.”
** Grapes 5.64%
Weak to: Swords, Fire
Resistant to: Lightning
HP: 550
EXP: 185
SP: 5
106 Guillotiner
“A demon who has executed countless victims in its bloody guillotine.”
Weak to: Holy
Resistant to: Dark
HP: 213
EXP: 223
SP: 6
107 Nyx
“The master of night.”
** Heart 8.46%
**** Princess Coat 1.41%
Weak to: Whips, Swords, Ground
Resistant to: Holy
HP: 160
EXP: 206
SP: 6
108 Minotaur
“A creature with the head of a bull and the body of a man.”
** Bullova 5.64%
*** Hercules Ring 2.82%
Weak to: Whips, Swords, Fire
Resistant to: Blunt Weapons
HP: 354
EXP: 414
SP: 10
-=-The Hercules Ring makes it to where when you’re attacked you don’t
move/become stunned. It’s an essential item to making Charlotte a powerhouse in
tight situations or having
Johnathon just speed through things to get to where you want to go.-=-
109 Mothman
“Half moth, half man—he sprinkles poisonous dust wherever he goes.”
Weak to: Fire, Earth
Resistant to: Nothing
HP: 80
EXP: 125
SP: 7
-=-A joke enemy from Dawn reappears as an actual enemy in Portrait? Kinda
110 Laura
“Carmilla’s Servant.”
*** Cocktail Dress 3.52%
*** Midnight Tiara 2.11%
Weak to: Whips, Swords, Holy, Poison
Resistant to: Dark
HP: 415
EXP: 320
SP: 10
111 Yorick
“A skeleton that ceaselessly chases its own skull.”
** Spade 7.5%
Weak to: Blunt Weapons, Whips, Fire, Holy
Resistant to: Dark
HP: 110
EXP: 151
SP: 6
112 Dragonfly
“An insect that spits burning liquid.”
HP: 40
EXP: 115
SP: 5
113 Quetzalcoatl
“A reincarnation of the ancient snake God.”
HP: 128
EXP: 228
SP: 9
114 Ripper
“A fiend who takes great pleasure in slaughtering people with knives.”
*** Porkpie Hat 2.82%
*** Spicy Shrimp 2.82%
HP: 80
EXP: 127
SP: 2
-=-As if Fleamen and Armored Fleamen weren’t annoying enough, they had to go
and make this guy-=-
115 Poison Worm
“An enormous worm, poisonous to the touch.”
Weak to: Nothing
Resistant to: Nothing
HP: 1200
EXP: 800
SP: 25
-=-A shame you only get to fight one of these and rarely fight giant worms,
both of them are pretty cool and have wicked death animations-=-
116 Ghost Dancer
“The spirits of nobles; they dance endlessly in aristocratic abandon.”
*** Ballroom Masque 4.93%
*** Tea 3.52%
Weak to: Holy
Resistant to: Blunt Weapons, Whips, Swords
HP: 55
EXP: 125
SP: 6
117 Demon Head
“An ancient devil that only has a face and six wings.”
*** Rotten Durian 4.23%
Weak to: Holy
Resistant to: Dark
HP: 199
EXP: 266
SP: 11
118 Lesser Demon
“A demon who wields powerful magic.”
**** Skull Ring 1.41%
Weak to: Holy
Resistant to: Dark
HP: 166
EXP: 199
SP: 7
119 Ghoul King
“The rarely-seen king of the ghouls.”
** Surcoat 8.46%
** Royal Crown 5.64%
Weak to: Swords, Fire, Holy
Resistant to: Dark
HP: 444
EXP: 291
SP: 15
-=- Turns into a Skeleton when dealt fire damage. This enemy is basically
Wight’s older brother. He appears only after you kill a whole bunch of Ghouls,
and is needed to be killed to
complete a quest. Unfortunately, if you’re filling the drop list that is,
there is no cheap trick to killing lots of him, you just have to be patient.-=-
120 Vapula
“A demon with a lion’s body and a griffon’s wings.”
** Hex (Magic) 8.46%
Weak to: Fire, Holy
Resistant to: Dark
HP: 420
EXP: 396
SP: 12
-=- His HP is 420 because whoever was creating him had to be smoking SOMETHING.
He, like Glasya Labolos and this game’s incarnation of Medusa, belong in a
children’s game for their
cute looks and bad sprites, not in Castlevania. -=-
121 Iron Golem
“A golem imbued with a powerful magic spell.”
*** ??? 4.23%
*** ??? 2.82%
Weak to: Nothing
Resistant to: Everything
HP: 999
EXP: 500
SP: 20
-=- Not quite as challenging as one might think, he’s brought down quite easily
with a few repeated magic spells (like Thunderbolt) or a Dual Crush. I don’t
have his drop items yet
because I’m fairly certain he’s exclusive to the Nest of Evil. -=-
122 DoubleAxe Armor
“An elite Axe Armor warrior who wields two axes with deadly precision.”
**** Berserker Mail 1.41%
**** Super Potion 1.41%
Weak to: Blunt Weapons, Whips, Lightning
Resistant to: Water
HP: 191
EXP: 287
SP: 14
-=-Berserker Mail is GODLY. It raises your attack substantially with only a
defense sacrifice. I strongly suggest getting your thief ring out and camping
this guy for a while because it will
most definitely pay off.-=-
123 Demon
“An inhabitant of hell, set free by dark magic.”
*** Super Tonic 2.82%
Weak to: Holy
Resistant to: Dark
HP: 666
EXP: 666
SP: 16
124 Bone Ark
“A mobile Bone Pillar. Considered an innovative breakthrough.”
Weak to: Blunt Weapons, Whips, Fire, Holy
Resistant to: Dark
HP: 500
EXP: 354
SP 15
125 Skeleton Farmer
“A skeleton with a green thumb. Even hell could use a plant here and there.”
*** ??? 4.93%
Weak to: Blunt Weapons, Whips, Fire, Holy.
Resistant to: Dark
HP: 439
EXP: 590
SP: 18
-=- Another Nest of Evil enemy I’ve yet to obtain the drop of. -=-
126 Alastor
“A sword possessed by the souls of slain warriors, driven by revenge.”
*** Damascus Sword 2.82%
Weak to: Holy
Resistant to: Dark
HP: 512
EXP: 512
SP: 25
127 Gold Skeleton
“A skeleton made of a hard, unknown material similar to gold.”
**** ??? 1.81%
Weak to: Blunt Weapons, Whips, Fire, Holy
Resistant to: Dark
HP: 255
EXP: 255
SP: 18
-=-I wonder why his HP and EXP are 255. Must be a reference to something as 255
is the number limit in a lot of older games and games with simple coding for
things. Anyone who has
abused Resident Evil Remake’s or Wild ARMS’s item glitch is aware 255 is the
limiter for some things. Also, blablabla Nest of Evil enemy.-=-
128 Cave Troll
“A blood-sucking beast that extracts the entrails of cows with it’s tongue.”
** Jamon Iberico 6.35%
** Peking Duck 5.64%
Weak to: Whips, Swords, Fire
Resistant to: Whips, Swords, Fire
HP: 320
EXP: 414
SP: 21
-=-I HATE THESE THINGS. They do insane amounts of damage and get to your
character really quickly or perform really long range attacks so it’s hard to
charge spells on them. Probably
the most broken/annoying enemy in the game, be careful around them or you’ll
die pretty easily.-=-
129 Amducias
“A demon in the form of a unicorn. One of the best musicians in hell.”
** Thor’s Bellow 7.5%
** Record 4 7.5%
Weak to: Holy
Resistant to: Dark
HP: 1999
EXP: 1280
SP: 33
-=-I LOVE this guy’s description. Anyway, I wonder if his HP is somehow a
referance to the Demon Castle Wars… He drops the record that plays Iron Blue
Intention, which is one of the
coolest Castlevania songs ever. I think that he was an unused boss character
because if you stand behind him while attacking he’ll continuously punch
forward and be unable to hit you.
This probably made him too broken to use as an official boss so they just
tossed him into the Nest of Evil.-=-
130 Balore
“A demon whose very gaze induces terror.”
Weak to: Swords
Resistant to: Nothing
HP: 3000
EXP: 2000
SP: 40
-=-CHEAP! This boss really did not need to be stuck in here. This game takes
place in 1944, and Aria of Sorrow takes places in 2035. Balore appears in Aria
unzombified and completely
fine, then one of his eyes is damaged… He then returns in 2036 in Dawn of
Sorrow with his damaged eye in a zombified state and you finish him off. How
can appear in a damaged state in
1944 when he should be just fine up until 2035? I know I’m being a MAJOR
FREAKING DORK right here, but still it’s just a cheap re-use of a boss. It’s
fun to fight him again though so I
really can’t complain too much.-=-
131 Gergoth
“A once-gentle beast, warped by magic and driven mad by imprisonment.”
Weak to: Whips, Swords, Fire
Resistant to: Nothing
HP: 3800
EXP: 2500
SP: 50
-=-I love this boss, he’s so cool. I hope one of the future games gives him a
little backstory or something because I want to know what he looked like before
turning into a freaky moldy
lazer-beaming dinosaur.-=-
132 Zephyr
“A demon who has mastery over time.”
Weak to: Whips, Swords, Fire
Resistant to: Nothing
HP: 3210
EXP: 3210
SP: 60
-=-Really shouldn’t have tried to give him English voice acting. Effort would
have been better spent on giving that to Richter and Maria, I get sick of only
hearing “Torro” all the time when
playing as them.-=-
133 Aguni
“A primitive god of fire, captured by Dracula’s magic.”
Weak to: Water
Resistant to: Fire
HP: 4000
EXP: 3500
SP: 70
134 Abaddon
“A master of pestilent locusts from the deep abyss of the underworld.”
* Record 3 35.28%
Weak to: Swords, Holy
Resistant to: Dark
HP: 5000
EXP: 4000
SP: 50
135 Doppleganger
“A demon who assumes the form of its intended victims before killing them.”
Weak to: Swords
Resistant to: Nothing
HP: 2000
EXP: 2000
SP: 99
-=-This guy’s HP isn’t actually 2000, I think it’s level dependant on how high
his HP actually is. When I fight him and he’s imitating Johnathon, he’s around
2900 and when I fight him
while he’s imitating Charlotte he’s around 2700. Since this guy has 99 SP he’s
a very good target for mastering your Sub Weapons. Equip crappy weapons and a
Mastery Ring then go in
there and re-equip your good weapons and get him down to low health then blow
him away with a subweapon, you’ll get over 99 SP each time you do it. Once you
kill him, leave the
portrait then return and repeat. This is very useful for the Javelin and Holy
Sub Weapons quests.-=-
136 Fake Trevor
“A zombie disguised as Trevor Belmont.”
* Curry 35.28%
Weak to: Swords
Resistant to: Whips, Holy
HP: 3800
EXP: 3000
SP: 60
-=-The returning trio can be pretty tough to beat, and they won’t always drop
their items even though they’re supposed to be VERY common drops. If you’re
completing your drop list,
make sure you have your thief ring equipped because their part of Nest of Evil
is the most difficult. -=-
137 Fake Grant
“A zombie disguised as Grant DaNasty.”
* Ramen Noodles 35.28%
Weak to: Swords
Resistant to: Nothing
HP: 3500
EXP: 3000
SP: 60
-=-DaNasty is such a retarded name-=-
138 Fake Sypha
“A zombie disguised as Sypha Belnades.”
* Mint Sundae 35.28%
Weak to: Swords
Resistant to: Fire, Water, Lightning
HP: 3200
EXP: 3000
SP: 60
139 Dullahan
“A beheaded knight who carries his severed head.”
Weak to: Blunt Weapons, Whips, Lightning
Resistant to: Water
HP: 600
EXP: 500
SP: 40
-=-You’d think the head would be the weak point, or at least be a point that
could take damage.-=-
140 Behemoth
“A beast who rebelled against heaven; it fought on even after it was killed.”
Weak to: Swords, Fire, Holy
Resistant to: Dark
HP: 800
EXP: 1000
SP: 45
141 Keremet
“A demon that lives in small, enclosed spaces.”
Weak to: Fire, Ice, Lightning
Resistant to: Nothing
HP: 666
EXP: 2000
SP 50
142 Astarte
“A woman of irresistible beauty. No man can defy her will.”
Weak to: Blunt weapons, Whips, Swords
Resistant to: Fire, Ice, Lightning, Dark, Holy
HP: 1500
EXP: 3000
SP: 50
-=-Can gay guys defy her will? lolol She sounds like a jive black female when
she goes “COME HITHER” right when you fight her. It cracks me up so much EVERY
143 Legion
“The one who is many.”
Weak to: Swords, Fire, Holy
Resistant to: Dark
HP: 2000
EXP: 4000
SP: 50
-=-My favorite video game boss. I absolutely love Legion, he’s just so freaking
144 Dagon
“A creature of the swamp.”
Weak to: Lightning, Holy
Resistant to: Water, Dark
HP: 1800
EXP: 6000
-=-How the hell can this give more experience than Mummy Man or The Creature?
Freaking seriously, people.-=-
145 Death
“Dracula’s Confidant.”
Weak to: Nothing
Resistant to: Dark
HP: 4444
EXP: 0
SP: 0
-=-As awesome as this game is it sure got one of the lamer Deaths. At least his
almost insta-kill attack is sweet.-=-
146 Stella
“Loretta’s twin sister. She’s a skilled swordmaster.”
Weak to: Whips, Swords, Fire, Lightning.
Resistant to: Water
HP: 2500
EXP: 0
SP: 0
147 Loretta
“Stella’s twin sister. She’s a powerful witch”
Weak to: Whips, Swords, Fire
Resistant to: Water
HP: 2500
EXP: 0
SP: 0
-=-Anyone find it REALLY weird how they could fly around and do crazy spells
before they became Brauner’s little slaves? I sure as hell do.-=-
148 Brauner
“An artist who became a vampire and rounced humanity.”
Weak to: Holy
Resistant to: Dark
HP: 6000
EXP: 0
SP: 0
-=-I wonder how he just “became” a vampire and if he decided to become a bitter
jerk before or after “becoming one.” I was disappointed from his bossfight
because he didn’t transform
into some huge enemy that took up half the screen and rather just painted.
What a freaking wuss, how did this guy POSSIBLY manage to take down Eric? Must
have hit him from
149 The Creature
“An artificial being created by a mad scientist.”
Weak to: Whips, Swords
Resistant to: Lightning
HP: 4000
EXP: 5000
-=-Another Frankenstein rip-off boss. Not only are they ripping Frankie off
again but they’re doing it with re-used sprites from Chi no Rondo. Still cool
though, lol.-=-
150 Werewolf
“A cursed man who transforms into a ferocious beast when the moon is full.”
Weak to: Whips, Swords, Fire, Holy
Resistant to: Blunt Weapons
HP: 4500
EXP: 6000
SP: 60
-=-New werewolf! Whoo! Now if only we didn’t have to look at so much butt in
his dying sprites… -=-
151 Medusa
“A monster who turns her victims to stone. One of the three Gorgon sisters.”
Weak to: Holy
Resistant to: Dark
HP: 3500
EXP: 6000
SP: 60
-=-ARGHHH Worst Medusa ever. Like I said with Vapula and Glasya Labolos, none
of them need to be in this game. They all look horrible. She looks like a
freaking chipmunk when dying,
for Pete’s sake. It looks like they spent too much time on the petrified
soldiers she crushes in seconds to spend time making her look good. I wish I
could have gotten a longer look at
those soldiers or seen more soldiers in the game, but no, the game deprived me
of what could have been awesome war-time element stuff… just like Bloodlines
did. Disappointing but still
nowhere near anything to drag the score of the game down on.-=-
152 Mummy Man
“A member of a royal family who became a mummy in search of everlasting life.”
Weak to: Swords, Fire, Holy
Resistant to: Dark
HP: 4500
EXP: 5000
SP: 60
-=-TWO bosses near the end of the game are nothing more than sub-bosses ripped
out of the Chi no Rondo stage where you first fight Shaft. Laaaaame. Mummy Man
is even named
wrongly. Pretty dang cheap, especially considering Mummy Man’s boss fight was
ultra lame and a little floating ribbon could damage you.-=-
153 Whip’s Memory
“A memory of the last Belmonst to wield the Vampire Killer.”
Weak to: Dark
Resistant to: Holy
HP: 5000
EXP: 0
SP: 0
-=-It’s so cool this game has Richter. I wish there was a mode where you could
play as John/Eric though even though they’re dead :(-=-
154 Dracula
“The true master of the castle.”
Weak to: Holy
Resistant to: Dark
HP: 6666
EXP: 0
SP: 0
-=-Will they make up their damned minds on if he has short black hair or long
white hair?-=-
155 True Dracula
“The true master of the castle.”
Weak to: Holy
Resistant to: Dark
HP: 6666
EXP: 0
SP: 0
-=-Now you’re fighting the true dracula in the true castle for the battle of
truth so that the truth may set you free in a true manner. True true true bla
bla bla. I’m getting sick of last bosses
giving no experience, it takes away motivation to fight them more than once.
He was a total badass last boss, however.-=-

6. Credits/Thanks

All credit goes to me for making this guide and Konami for making this game

Thank you Konami for the game, and thank you me for doing this. lololol

I will give credit to you should you fill me on the drops I missed or
strategies that I should list. Also, should you feel like doing this before me,
you could give me good locations of each
monster and I will add them. I will give you BIG THANKS for anything that
helps here and make sure your name is mentioned, as well as your contact info
if you want it here for whatever

7. Legal Crap
This guide is copyright me. I give you permission to distribute this freely,
however, so long as you credit me and perhaps link to the gamefaqs URL for the
guide. Just try and ask me first,
if you don’t I’m not gonna hunt you down I’d just like you to go “hey can I
use this” before actually using it. I’m not a jerk and I’m not going to try and
sue you even if you say this is
your own (Although I might get a little pissed lol), really I don’t care too
much. I just want a little appreciation and for this and to help people playing
the game.

Portrait of Ruin is copyright Konami.

8. Contact Information.

You can get ahold of me to help me finish the drops or locations at

E-mail –
AIM – DualGreen
YIM – Doubtfulkitten

Or you can just drop me a “thanks” or whatever.

Blablabla Copyright 2006 DualGreen


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More specifically, MBT makes several positive claims [U]mbt shoes clearance[/U] and benefits from wearing their shoes. They will take muscle groups [U][B]MBT shoes[/U][/B] not normally used in walking and make them active. The shoes will give you a better posture, and a more effective [U][B]mbt shoes review[/U][/B] gait when walking with or without the shoes. It can [B]MBT shoes[/B] potentially help you with problems you may have with your back, hips, legs, and feet. The [U][B]mbt walking shoes[/U][/B] shoes can help you recover from injuries to your [B]MBT shoes[/B] tendons, joints, ligaments, or muscles. The shoes are also designed to alleviate tension and stress [U]MBT shoes[/U] on your lower joints.

Overall owners of the MBT shoe really like the results. [B]MBT shoes[/B] It is typical that if you walk for three or four miles at a time for several times [U][B]mbt shoes best prices[/U][/B] per week you will experience some weight loss. Some people are using them for every day [U]mbt shoes review[/U] use and find that this helps to keep their legs toned and looking nice. These are just walking [U][B]buy mbt shoes[/U][/B] shoes you really do not want to use them for running. It is recommended that you go to a store and try them on, as you [B]MBT[/B] want to make sure the heel is snug and fits correctly. If the shoes fit correctly they should feel snug and it should [B]MBT[/B] feel as though you are walking on stilts when you walk in [U]MBT[/U] them.

Anonymous said...

Tiffany's jewelry is world famous company and if [B][URL=]tiffany[/URL][/B] you cannot afford the actual jewelry there are a lot of Tiffany inspired jewelry to choose from. While Tiffany's [B]tiffany[/B] has produced some more affordable pieces like key chains and money clips [U]pandora jewelry[/U] for those wanting the elegant pieces without the price tag there are other options. Tiffany produces bracelets, rings, earrings [U][B]tiffany pendants[/U][/B] and necklaces.

Besides the traditional Tiffany's style, the jewelry [B]tiffany pendants[/B] comes in the traditional blue box and you can even find Tiffany inspired jewelry that [B][URL=]pandora beads[/URL][/B] reproduces the Tiffany style down to the box. Tiffany jewelry is traditionally sterling [U][B]tiffany[/U][/B] silver as the Tiffany Company has produced a special blend of silver that is very strong [U]pandora necklaces[/U] and will last.

It is not a direct replica but it is inspired from the Tiffany style so [B][URL=]tiffanyjewelry[/URL][/B] many of the pieces are very similar to Tiffany. Some companies [U][B]pandora[/U][/B] may even produce direct replicas. The main difference between real Tiffany's jewelry [U]tiffany jewelry[/U] and the inspired version jewelry is the price tag. They are just as beautiful [U][B]tiffany pendants[/U][/B] and classic as the real ones but at much more affordable prices. If you aspire for [B]tiffany charms[/B] a piece of Tiffany's then you should investigate Tiffany inspired jewelry.

This jewelry can be found in many [B]tiffany[/B] places, in stores and online. You can search the [B]pandora jewelry[/B] internet to discover the companies in your area that provide this type [B]tiffany jewelry[/B] of jewelry. Their heart pendants are particularly popular. These [U][B]pandora beads[/U][/B] floating heart pendants come in silver, gold and with crystals. They [U][B]tiffany necklaces[/U][/B] also have the traditional Tiffany's circle of life pendant [U]tiffany bracelets[/U] that resembles a circle of crystals on a chain.

Anonymous said...

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Tiffany Taylor's book guides you step by step from mustering [B]pandora beads[/B] and increasing your confidence level to making advanced seduction techniques to make her want you even more. Tiffany Taylor reveals that men really don't know much about women and what they find attractive in a man. Some of the techniques are so advanced that [B][URL=]tiffany rings[/URL][/B] even women find themselves in shock when they read about it. The best part is they [B]pandora bracelets[/B] all work!

When it comes to getting advice about a woman, who else would be great at giving it than [U]pandora jewelry[/U] a woman herself? That's exactly what Tiffany Taylor has done. She has given men a chance at being successful with women and in such an easy step by step way. If you've [U][B]pandora bracelets[/U][/B] ever found yourself thinking that finding dates and attracting women is a hopeless [B]pandora necklaces[/B] case for you, think again.

Tiffany Taylor's Guy Gets Girl will revolutionize the way your dating and love life has been. You'll find [B][URL=]tiffany bracelets[/URL][/B] yourself going from zero dates to chick magnet with her book. The great thing about this book is that it doesn't just teach you how to pick women but also teaches you [U]pandora bracelet[/U] how you can boost your confidence, how to get ready for a date and how to improve your relationship with a woman. Basically, what you've been looking for in how to understand women is all [U][B]pandora jewellery[/U][/B] there in Tiffany Taylor's Guy Gets Girl.

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